Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lesson 1 – The Alphabet, Short Vowels, B, P, T Letters

 As you know, English words cannot be pronounced without these five letters: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y as in BY. These are called vowels. In Persian, however, there are no letters considered as vowels. Instead, we put some sounds on or under the letters to make them readable. There are six main sounds in Persian recognized as vowels, three short vowels and three long vowels. Remember that these are not letters. These are sounds that come with letters and make them pronounceable. Here we will learn short vowels.

The representatives (symbols) of these sounds (vowels) are as follows:

1-    Do you see the small symbol on A? If this sign sits on a letter, the letter will be pronounced as /æ/ in dad.

2-  If this sign, which is exactly written in the same way as in number one, sits under a letter, it will be pronounced as /e/ in set.

3-  If this sign, which has a circle on his head, sits on a letter, it will be pronounced as /o/ in border.

Note: this sign sits on the letters only.

These three sounds are called short vowels.

Now that you are familiar with these three short vowels you are ready to learn a couple of letters to practice with these sounds.

Today we are going to learn three big letters as well as their small forms.

1-  This is the big letter ‘B’ in Persian. In the meantime, you don’t need to learn how to write it. We are just trying to pronounce it with the help of those three short vowels above. Ready? Don’t worry. I’ll write it for you. All you have to do is pronounce it.

 This is /bæ/ as in battery.

 This one is /be/ as in bed.

 This one is /bo/ as in border.

2-   This one is the small letter ‘b’ in Persian. Now try to pronounce this letter in the same way. Don’t forget to read from right to left. You will say. 

Note: big letters come at the end of the words and may stand either attached or separated from other letters (they are separable), while the small letters come at the beginning or in the middle of the words and are attached to some other letters (they are inseparable). There is only one exception that will be explained later.

3-  This one is the big letter ‘P’ in Persian. Try to pronounce it with the short vowels.

 as /pæ/ in pad.

 as /pe/in pet.

 as /po/in pork.

4-   This one is the small letter ‘p’ in Persian. Try to pronounce it. Don’t forget to read from right to left. You will say:  

5-   This one is big letter ‘T’ in Persian. Try to pronounce it with the short vowels.

 as /tæ/ in tab.

 as /te/ in tennis.

 as /to/ in torn.

6-  This is the small letter ‘t’. Don’t forget to read from right to left. Try to pronounce it.